We are pleased to welcome back Reverend Susanne McKim to lead our Choral Eucharist worship on this Second Sunday After the Epiphany, January 19, 2025. Our Music Director is Zacharia Dekker, and this morning’s Lay Reader and Intercessor Kirk Hearder.
The lessons are read by Graham French (the Book of Isaiah 62:1-5) and Carol McLean (the 1st Letter to the Corinthians 12:1-11), and the Gospel is from John (2:1-11). Zach cantors the verses to Psalm 36:5-10, while the congregation responds with, “We feast on the riches of your house, O Lord”, from the George Black setting. Our hymns this Sunday: ‘Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies’ (#5 in Common Praise); ‘The Church’s One Foundation’ (#525); ‘Come, Let Us Eat’ (#62); and, ‘Come Down, O Love Divine’ (#645). All are invited to the hall for refreshments and conversation following Zach’s Postlude.
St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. It is a ground-level fully accessible church and hall. Please visit our website at stjohnsorangeville.ca, where you will find links to our extensive recording archives (the ‘Recent Recordings’ heading on our homepage, and earlier recordings in ‘All Recordings’ under the Menu), as well as the opportunity to make a donation to support this Outreach Ministry. We thank you for your interest and for joining us.