Getting Connected to St. John’s is easy.

  • You may e-mail the priest ( or call the church (519-941-1950) to make an enquiry or to discuss a specific pastoral or spiritual need.
  • You are invited to come to St. John’s and join us on Sunday mornings at 10 to check us out. Join us afterward in our church hall for refreshments and conversation. We will do our best to make you feel welcome.
  • You can join in any of our programs (they are open to all and are generally free-of-charge except for admissions or supplies).
  • You can attend any or all of our events: Pancake Supper and Pie Auction (before Lent), Strawberry Supper (late June), or our Toonie Turkey Supper (November).
  • You can volunteer to help with one of our Outreach Ministries.
  • You may wish to become involved in the governance or administration of the parish.
  • You can discern some need for social action that will benefit marginalized individuals in the local community and come up with a proposal for ministry to meet that need.