Thank you for thinking about a baptism in our parish. Some information may help you to decide if Baptism according to the rites of the Anglican Church of Canada is appropriate for you or your child and your family.
Baptism is incorporation into the Body of Christ – the candidate becoming a member of Christ’s Body – the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Although names are given and received in Holy Baptism, it is not simply a naming ceremony; neither is it just a cultural rite of passage.
Baptismal Preparation
Where the candidate for Holy Baptism has reached the age of discretion, some conversations with the Incumbent (or designate) are warranted. Some course of instruction or series of conversations might also be appropriate depending on the candidate’s religious experience or background. Of course, regular attendance at Sunday worship is expected.
Where the candidate for Holy Baptism is an infant or child, some conversations with the Incumbent (or designate) are also required. A course of instruction or a series of conversations with parents and Godparents may also be appropriate. Regular attendance at Sunday worship is expected.
Please contact the Priest-In-Charge for more information.