This Service of Thanksgiving is conducted by The Right Reverend Peter Fenty and Reverend David Bryant, with Guest Organist Mr. Greg Dickison. Our Crucifer is Kirk Hearder, ODT (Order of the Diocese of Toronto), Lay Reader and Intercessor Audi Geadah Ogley, and Lay Reader Susan Schuschu, ODT. After the Opening Sentences and Welcome, the choir and congregation sing ‘Morning Has Broken’ (Common Praise #3). Ron (also a recipient of the Order of the Diocese of Toronto) is eulogized by family members, beginning with Michelle, followed by Caitlin, Stephen, and Gregory. The reading from Revelation (21:1-6a) is by Dale Coles. The Gospel is from John (14:1-6). Reverend Bryant delivers the Homily. Following the Prayers of the People and the Exchange of the Peace, Hymn #551, ‘My Faith Looks Up to Thee’, is sung. The Eucharist follows, celebrated by The Right Reverend Peter Fenty. Introducing the Commendation is a recording of St. John’s Music Director Zacharia Dekker singing Canadian composer Rupert Lang’s ‘Kontakion of the Departed’, with the Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Vancouver in the background. Following The Blessing the service closes with singing of Hymn #371, ‘To God Be the Glory’. All are invited to the reception in the church hall. Interment in St. John’s Cemetery on the 7th Line of Mono follows at 3:30.

St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. It is a ground-level fully accessible church and hall. Please visit our website at, where you will find links to our extensive recording archives (the ‘Recent Recordings’ heading on our homepage, and earlier recordings in ‘All Recordings’ under the Menu), as well as the opportunity to make a donation to support this Outreach Ministry. We thank you for your interest and for joining us.