Please Note: The lead-in to this service has been shortened, and John Charles’ Postlude for last Sunday, Pentecost IX, has been substituted as his Postlude this week. Clicking on the green title screen which appears at the end of this video takes you to the Postlude.
Our Officiant and Homilist for our Litany of Morning Prayer this Tenth Sunday in the Pentecost Season is Lay Reader and Order of the Diocese of Toronto recipient Kirk Hearder. John Charles is our Guest Organist for his third service in this visit, and our Lay Assistant and Intercessor is Jim Hodder. The lessons are read by Chris Cox (The 2nd Book of Samuel 11:1-15) and Graham French (The Letter to the Ephesians 3:14-21), and the Gospel is from John (6:1-21). Psalm 14 is said responsively by the verse. Our hymns this week: Praise the One Who Breaks (#397 in Common Praise); Lord, You Give the Great Commission #433); Take My Life, and Let It Be (#435); and, God, Whose Almighty Word (#560). All are invited to the hall for refreshments and conversation following the service. St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. It is a ground-level fully accessible church and hall. Please visit our website at, where you will find links to our extensive recording archives (the ‘Recent Recordings’ heading on our homepage, and earlier recordings in ‘All Recordings’ under the Menu), as well as the opportunity to make a donation to support this Outreach Ministry. We thank you for your interest and for joining us.