Taizé Worship Tuesday, December 3 at 7 pm

This will be our final Taizé service for 2024. Please consider joining us for this lay-led service of prayer, readings, contemplation and silence, interspersed with singing of simple pieces from the Taizé Community.

Service of Lessons and Carols December 29 at 10 am

St. John's Church Sanctuary

This lay-led service of Lessons and Carols will be officiated by Kirk Hearder on the First Sunday of Christmas, December 29, at our usual 10 am time. There will be no eucharist at this service. Please join us in person if possible, or online if not. The service will be live-streamed as usual, and the […]

Epiphany III with Reverend Susanne McKim January 26 at 10 am

St. John's Church Sanctuary

Join us in person if possible, or online if not, when Reverend McKim returns to lead our Choral Eucharist worship this coming Sunday, January 26. Enjoy refreshments and conversation afterwards in our hall.