Palm Crosses

St. John's Church 3907 Highway 9, Caledon, ON

At 1:00 pm following "Lunch with the Lord's Prayer" Gill Fancett will show interested individuals how to create the palm crosses that will be distributed during our Passion Sunday service on April 14.

Zoe and Zach’s Wedding Celebration Luncheon

Church Hall

Zoe and Zach will be married in a small civil ceremony on August 2nd. Zoe’s mother from Northern China, and Zach’s grandparents will be present at the luncheon. Patricia Finlayson is in charge of organizing this event, and can be contacted at 519-927-3161. Her sign-up sheet for required food dishes is complete as of March […]

Men’s Breakfast

Church Hall

Moved from the usual first Saturday of the month one week later. John Meek will speak on his recent visit to Palestine. Donation of $10 helps defray the cost of this full breakfast offering.