Epiphany V with Reverend Canon Stephanie Pellow on February 9 at 10 am
We are so pleased to welcome back Reverend Canon Stephanie Pellow to lead our Choral Eucharist worship and preach this coming Sunday, February 9. Please join us in person if […]
Annual Vestry Meeting — Sunday, February 16
Our Annual Vestry Meeting will be held in our hall following our 10 am Choral Eucharist service and Coffee Hour on Sunday, February 16. The meeting will be chaired by […]
Taizé Worship Tuesday, February 18 at 7 pm
We are resuming our lay-led service of readings, prayers, and contemplative silences interspersed with repeated singing of simple pieces on Tuesday evening, February 18 at 7. Dr. Khiet Lin, Pastor […]