“Forgiveness and Reconciliation” – Video Recording of the Homily for Lent IV, March 31, 2019
https://youtu.be/wm6MEJ9bdaY "Forgiveness and Reconciliation": Audi Geadah Ogley accepts Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's invitation to preach during…
https://youtu.be/wm6MEJ9bdaY "Forgiveness and Reconciliation": Audi Geadah Ogley accepts Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's invitation to preach during…
https://youtu.be/yhz7Lt_dFuo "Don't Make God Small!" is the title of Archdeacon Hardy's homily for this Third…
https://youtu.be/Zyho2FHXQr4 "Good, Better...or Best?", the title of Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's homily for this First Sunday…
https://youtu.be/7DdW-pNY6XU "Let Your Light So Shine....", the title of Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's homily for Ash…
https://youtu.be/nFie8kQA8-o "Discipleship is Hard!", the title of Archdeacon Hardy's homily for this Eighth and final…
https://youtu.be/ZFwBPINWQfY "Are We Deceiving Ourselves?", Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's homily for this Sixth Sunday in the…
https://youtu.be/TMbOXMrZUAw "When God Calls...." Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's homily for the Fifth Sunday in the Epiphany…