“What’s Good About Good Friday?” – Video Recording of the Sermon for April 19, 2019
https://youtu.be/efxjDFXqPRI "What's Good About Good Friday?" Bishop Peter DeC. Fenty, Area Bishop for the Episcopal…
https://youtu.be/efxjDFXqPRI "What's Good About Good Friday?" Bishop Peter DeC. Fenty, Area Bishop for the Episcopal…
https://youtu.be/w71ISKxauUo Audio recording of the Taizé 'Stations of the Cross' Service for Holy Tuesday. Leaders…
https://youtu.be/gy1NmvhRThA "My Dog Ate the Gospel"...Archdeacon Hardy's humorous introduction to the homily for the beginning…
https://youtu.be/oQQhF3J8H68 Audio recording of the Choral Eucharist service for the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Homily…
https://youtu.be/qF6zBl-aTNE "Making Space for God in a Technological World": Kirk Hearder, ODT, recent recipient of…
https://youtu.be/rP1gl-Hcbu0 Audio recording of the Choral Eucharist Service for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Guest…
https://youtu.be/wm6MEJ9bdaY "Forgiveness and Reconciliation": Audi Geadah Ogley accepts Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy's invitation to preach during…
https://youtu.be/8ddvmyMvN3U Audio recording of the Choral Eucharist service for the Third Sunday of Lent. Archdeacon…
https://youtu.be/yhz7Lt_dFuo "Don't Make God Small!" is the title of Archdeacon Hardy's homily for this Third…
https://youtu.be/qu4dNVR2Fa8 Audio recording of the Choral Eucharist Service for the First Sunday in Lent. Homily:…