“In My Father’s House” – Video Submission for Use at Synod, November 25-27, 2021
https://youtu.be/VVtjKYHa49I This video was submitted to the Diocese in response to a request for material…
https://youtu.be/VVtjKYHa49I This video was submitted to the Diocese in response to a request for material…
https://youtu.be/g0P6XJQBG1g With lyrics by Pamela Martin and music by Craig Courtney this rendition features Music…
https://youtu.be/zw64mWab7Rs One of two Communion hymns with Music Director Zacharia Dekker for Pentecost XVII, September…
https://youtu.be/DJmySIL4qIA Zacharia Dekker, Music Director for St. John's Church, East Orangeville Ontario, sings Jay Althouse's…
https://youtu.be/1sECiBdtW2c Composed by Owen Alstott, this beautiful hymn is performed during the Said Communion Service…
https://youtu.be/0TFTJBRSRbQ Our Choir Communion Anthem for Reign of Christ Sunday, Zacharia Dekker organist and Music…
https://youtu.be/2FoxXFgX97I Audio recording of the hymn sung during Communion for the Fourteenth Sunday in Pentecost,…
https://youtu.be/8XP218ND-tE The gorgeous flowers which beautify our altar are on this Pentecost XII Sunday enjoyed…