We are pleased to welcome Bishop Peter Fenty to lead our 10 AM Choral Eucharist worship on this Easter III Sunday, April 14, with Music Director Zacharia Dekker at the organ, and Lay Reader and Intercessor Susan Schuschu. The lessons are read by Kamma Thompson (The Book of Acts 3:12-19) and Hugh Thompson (The 1st Letter of John 3:1-7). Zach cantors the verses to Psalm 4, while the congregation responds with the refrain, “The Lord does wonders for the faithful”, from the George Black setting. Today’s Gospel is from Luke (24:36b-48). Our hymns from Common Praise: Jesus Lives! Thy Terrors Now (#239); At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing (#207); One Bread, One Body, One Lord of All (#73, sung during Communion); and, Be Thou My Vision (#505). Thank you for being with us.
- Post published:April 15, 2024
- Post category:Services - Video