Reverend David Bryant leads our 10 AM Choral Eucharist worship on this Easter II Sunday, April 7, with Music Director Zacharia Dekker at the organ, and Lay Assistant and Intercessor Jim Hodder. The lessons are read by Carol McLean (The Book of Acts 4:32-35) and Greg Finlayson (The 1st Letter of John 1:1-2:2). Zach cantors the verses to Psalm 133, while the congregation responds with the refrain, “How good it is for all to live together in unity,” from the George Black setting. The Gospel is from John 20:19-31. Our hymns today from Common Praise: Awake, Arise, Lift Up Your Voice (#224); That Eastertide with Joy Was Bright (#231); Today I Awake (#9); and, Praise the One Who Breaks (#397). Being the first Sunday of the month there will be the Litany of Healing. Thank you for following us.