Reverend David Bryant leads our worship on this Third Sunday in Lent, with Music Director Zacharia Dekker at the organ (and keyboard for the Recessional), and Lay Assistant and Intercessor Jim Hodder. The lessons are read by Graham French (Exodus 20:1-17) and Chris Cox (Corinthians 1:18-25). Zach cantors the verses from Psalm 19, while the congregation responds with, “The words of the Lord are spirit and life” from the George Black setting. The Gospel is from John (2:13-22). Our hymns this week from Common Praise: Restore in Us, O God (# 178); Now Let Us All with One Accord (# 172); Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (#48); and, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (#512). All are invited to the hall for fellowship and refreshments following the service. Please join us in person or online at