The Reverend Canon Stephanie Pellow leads worship and preaches on this Second Sunday in Lent, February 25, 2024, with our Music Director Zacharia Dekker at the organ, and Lay Reader and Intercessor Audi Geadah Ogley. Our lessons are read by Hugh Thompson (Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16) and Greg Finlayson (Romans 4:13-25). Zach cantors the verses of Psalm 22:22-30, while the congregation responds with, “All the ends of the earth shall turn to the Lord”, from the George Black setting. The Gospel is from Mark (8:31-38). This week’s hymns from ‘Common Praise’ (the current hymnal of the Anglican Church of Canada): Teach Me, My God and King (#496); Take Up Your Cross, the Saviour Said (#431); People Draw Near to God in Their Distress (Communion, #201); and, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (#486).
- Post published:February 25, 2024
- Post category:Services - Video