Reverend William (‘Will’) Willis, former Rector of St. Paul’s, Shelburne, is Guest Presider and Preacher this First Sunday in Lent. Our Music Director Zacharia Dekker is at the organ, and Susan Schuschu is Lay Reader and Intercessor, as well as reading the Old Testament lesson from Genesis (9:8-17). Todd Hillhouse reads the Epistle from the 1st Letter of Peter (3:18-22). Zach cantors the verses of Psalm 25 (1-9), while the congregation sings the refrain (“The paths of the Lord are love and faithfulness to those who keep his covenant”) from the George Black setting.

Heard at the end of the service is Jim Hodder’s invitation to those present this morning to gather at the front for a photo to accompany a Get Well card signed by all to send to King Charles III.