The easiest way to watch the service live is to go to our St. John’s YouTube channel from this Home Page by left-clicking on the small YouTube logo on the top right corner of this page. It is the middle of three symbols below our phone number. That should take you directly to the service with the red ‘Live’ button. (If it doesn’t, and you get a ‘Can’t Find’ message, see the next paragraph.) Left-click on that to select it, then on the white ‘Go’ button in the middle.
For some reason at present clicking on this YouTube logo does not take you there directly, and you must ignore the ‘Can’t Find’ message and type stjohnseastorangeville into the search bar below the YouTube Monkey (!) where you can navigate to the service. I am working on getting back the direct link rather than this YouTube Monkey search-bar link.
To view the recording after the service has ended go again to our YouTube channel, and left-click on the third heading, ‘Live’. That gives you access to all the previous services that have been live-streamed.
Please Note: if an earlier service does not appear in the ‘Recent Recordings’ column it is because newer postings have pushed it into the ‘All Recordings’ heading from the Menu at the top of our Home Page. When that is selected, scrolling down past ‘Recent Posts’ will take you to ‘Categories’ of recordings, where you may choose recordings of homilies, complete video services, audio recordings of services, music (including our hymns with text), Outreach projects, and our History Project based in video interviews with Ron Coles focussed on our unique 8-acre cemetery, with the earliest headstone dating to 1812.
Beneath ‘Categories’ you can select specific years and months of recordings in our ‘Archives’ dating to 2018. Recordings between 2016 when recording began and 2018 are not listed on our website, but are available on our YouTube channel, Thank you for visiting and for your interest.