Live-stream of the Choral Eucharist Service for the Third Sunday in Advent, December 17, 2023. We welcome back as Guest Presider and Preacher Bishop Peter Fenty. Zacharia Dekker is our Music Director, and Susan Schuschu this week’s Lay Reader and Intercessor. Chris Cox reads the lesson from The Book of Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, and Jim Hodder from The 1st Letter to the Thessalonians 5:16-24. Zach sings the verses to Psalm 126, and the congregation the refrain according to the George Black setting. Our hymns this week: Herald! Sound the Note of Judgement; Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring; Wait for the Lord, Whose Day is Near; and, You Servants of the Lord. St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto.