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The Reverend Dr. Connie Phillipson is Guest Presider and Preacher for this Reign of Christ Sunday, November 26, 2023. Our Lay Reader and Intercessor is Kirk Hearder, and we welcome Hugh Thompson reading the Old Testament lesson, as Carol McLean reads the Epistle. Unfortunately, as I continue to get used to the new equipment–and in particular the audio recording requirements–the hymns with the organ ‘clipped out’ and were too distorted to use. As a result, the video moves from one spoken section to the next. Dr. Phillipson’s sermon is entitled, “Compassion into Action”. The only music surviving is what Zach, our Music Director, plays so beautifully without even looking at the keyboard, during Communion, and leading up to our Choir Anthem, “Come, Let Us Worship the King”, which sadly (because it was well sung) could not be included because of the same sound distortion. St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Recording and editing (and any errors) are by chorister Greg Finlayson. There are more recordings at Thank you.