Congratulations, and a huge ‘Thank You!’ to our Music Director Zacharia Dekker (‘Zach’), who this week marks 15 years of dedication to St. John’s, East Orangeville. We welcome him back from two weeks’ vacation for this Choral Eucharist Service on the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, August 20, 2023. Our Guest Presider and Preacher is again The Reverend Canon Stephanie Pellow, Honorary Assistant at St. Mark’s, Orangeville, and our Lay Reader and Intercessor is Susan Schuschu. Jim Hodder reads the lesson from Jewish Scriptures, and Carol McLean the Epistle from Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Our hymns this week: We Cannot Measure How You Heal; Will You Come and Follow Me; Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling; and, Lord, the Light of Your Love Is Shining. St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Recording and editing chorister Greg Finlayson. Follow us at
- Post published:August 21, 2023
- Post category:All Recordings / Services - Video