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The Choral Eucharist Service for the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, “The Transfiguration of the Lord”, August 6, 2023, with Guest Presider and Preacher The Reverend Canon Stephanie Pellow, and Guest Organist John Charles. Canon Pellow is an Honorary Assistant at St. Mark’s, Orangeville, and will return to us to lead worship on August 20. We are pleased Mr. Charles will join us again next Sunday, August 13. Our Lay Assistant and Intercessor this week is James Hodder, and readers Mark Hauck and Susan Schuschu. Hymns: ‘Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here; Take Up Your Cross, the Saviour Said; Jesus Calls Us Here to Meet Him (Communion); and, Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise. St. John’s, East Orangeville is located in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and is a parish within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. More recordings and information are found on our website,, and our Facebook page, Parish of St. John’s, East Orangeville. Thank you for your interest.