The Choral Eucharist Service for the Third Sunday in Pentecost, June 18, 2023, with Interim Priest-in-Charge Reverend David Bryant and Music Director Zacharia Dekker. Our Lay Reader and Intercessor this week is Kirk Hearder, ODT (Order of the Diocese of Toronto) and readers Carol McLean and Todd Hillhouse, with Reverend Bryant reading the Gospel from Matthew and preaching on the theme of compassion. During the Announcements Reverend Bryant calls to the front Stephen and Linda Deaves to offer a prayer and blessing as they prepare to move to Woodstock, New Brunswick, and to attend St. Luke’s, where Reverend Bryant was baptized. A photo is introduced at that point of Stephen (a long-time lay reader and intercessor at St. John’s) and Linda (one of our lesson readers) shown with Stephen’s daughter Stephanie (who has already moved there), taken when Stephen and Linda were reading lessons for one of the Covid-19 pre-recorded services. St. John’s, East Orangeville is in Caledon, Ontario Canada, and within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Recording and editing chorister Greg Finlayson.