Audio recording with hymn lyrics and photos of the Annual Cemetery Service in St. John’s Memorial Chapel on the 7th Line of Mono on June 11, 2023. The service is led by Interim Priest-in-Charge Reverend David Bryant, with Music Director Zacharia Dekker at the keyboard, Lay Assistant James Hodder, Mark Hauck reading the lesson, and Gospel and Sermon by Reverend Bryant. He chose as his text the lyrics of one of the hymns, “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus”. The choir anthem, “Be Still, for the Presence of the Lord”, Words and Music by David Evans, was arranged by Geoff Baker. The Flower Dedications by Catherine Graham are in memory of the Curry, Barrington and Graham family members resting at the cemetery. Interior photos of the chapel are courtesy of Audi Geadah Ogley. Thanks to Chris and Audi and others who assisted in the outdoor reception following the service. Exterior photos, recording and editing chorister Greg Finlayson. St. John’s, East Orangeville is within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, Ontario Canada. More information on our eight-acre cemetery with the earliest headstone dating to 1812 can be found at the cemetery website,