The Choral Eucharist Service for April 9, 2023 with Interim Priest-in-Charge Reverend David Bryant and Music Director Zacharia Dekker. The service prelude, ‘Let There Be Peace on Earth’ (composers Miller and Miller) features Zach on keyboard and Stuart Smart on euphonium. Our readers are Chris Cox and Graham French, with Zach as psalmist, and Gospel and sermon with Reverend Bryant. Hymns: ‘Jesus Christ Is Risen Today’; ‘Alleluia! The Strife Is O’er’; and, ‘Yours Be the Glory, Risen, Conquering Son’. The choir anthem, ‘Sing Alleluia!’, is composed by Jay Althouse (copyright Alfred Publishing Co., 1996). St. John’s, East Orangeville is in the Town of Caledon, Ontario, and within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Recording and editing chorister Greg Finlayson.
- Post published:April 11, 2023
- Post category:All Recordings / Services - Video