The Choral Eucharist Service for the Sixth Sunday in Pentecost, July 17, 2022, Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy presiding, with Zacharia Dekker organist and Music Director. Our Lay Reader is Kirk Hearder, Crucifer Ted Lorriman, Candle-bearers Lilli and Ian Lockhart, with readers Chris Cox and Greg Finlayson. Photos are shown (with permission) during the Announcements when Chris is describing the latest news from our Outreach Project, “Trust Yourself to Garden”, for newly arrived Canadians hosted by Am Braigh Farm in Mono, in collaboration with three other local churches. Our hymns this week: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah; Jesus, Think on Me; and, What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Next Sunday for Elizabeth’s second last service before her retirement we welcome Bishop Peter Fenty as our celebrant and preacher. The Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Recording and editing chorister Greg Finlayson.