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The Prerecorded Service for the Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany, January 30, 2022, Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy presiding, Zacharia Dekker Music Director. Our readers this week are Dave Fowler and Carol McLean, with Intercessor Audi Geadah Ogley. We are pleased to have our Honorary Assistant Reverend Penny Lewis read the Gospel and preach. This week’s music, “Gather Us Together”, is the Communion anthem from the August 1, 2021 in-person service played and sung by Zach (composed by Owen Alstott, OCP Publications, 1980). This is the 48th prerecorded service video in our series prompted by the pandemic shutdown to in-person worship. Previous services are found under the Recordings heading on our website, The Anglican Dioceses of Toronto. Recording and editing Greg Finlayson.