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Video recording of the Complete Said Eucharist Service for October 24, 2021, Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy presiding, with Music Director Zacharia Dekker. Our readers this week are Mark Hauck and Chris Cox, with Intercessor Kirk Hearder, and Gospel and sermon Archdeacon Hardy. Our thanks to Chris Cox for the beautiful harvest adornment of the church, including donations for the Orangeville Food Bank. This is also “Muffin Sunday”, when funds raised go to support the work of Randall Shea and the school in Santa María Tzejá, Guatemala. This is a long-time Outreach Project for St. John’s, and we are pleased this year with the relaxation of some pandemic restrictions to be able to resume this important work. Honorary Assistant Penny Lewis, who has visited the community, provides a brief history during the announcements at the end of the service. Gratitude to Audi Geadah Ogley and Chris for the work of organizing this project. The Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Recording and editing Greg Finlayson.