Video recording of the Abbreviated Virtual Service for the Seventh Sunday in Pentecost, July 19, 2020, Archdeacon Elizabeth Hardy presiding, Zacharia Dekker organist and Music Director. This week’s readers are Greg Finlayson, Linda Deaves, Gospel reader and Homilist Archdeacon Hardy, and Intercessor Steven Deaves. “Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us”, which plays at the beginning and end of the service, is from our St. John’s archives. Each week we will have greetings and “catching up” from members of our church family, recorded in their home setting at a ‘safe distance’ by our videographer Greg Finlayson. Please let Jim in our office know if you are a member of St. John’s, and would like to have Greg come to your home for an outdoor recording to be posted for all to enjoy.