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Now we hope your interest leads to a visit!
The Mission of St. John's, East Orangeville is found in our Vision Statement: "Compassion Into Action."
As a faith community anchored in the Lord’s promise of abundant life, St. John's tries to be a church that “lives large.” We strive to be a church that shares the life of Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament by reaching out to the larger community.
If this appeals to you, why not come and check us out?
Our Sunday Morning Worship
This traditional Choral Eucharist combines thanksgiving, praise, prayer, music and sacramental mystery in an act of worship that has been evolving since the age of the apostles.
You are invited to join us at St. John’s at 10 am on Sunday mornings to check us out. Stay for refreshments and conversation in our church hall. We will do our best to make you feel welcome!
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence – Communion Hymn with Text for Pentecost XVI, September 8, 2024September 9, 2024/0 Comments
Clergy Rota for September and OctoberAugust 17, 2024/
Easier Access to Our YouTube Channel for Viewing ServicesFebruary 17, 2024/